Skelton, George. "Taxes Just Part of Picture; Voter
Perceptions and Pensions Also Tie into Brown's Push
for Prop. 30." Editorial. Los
Angeles Times 30 Aug. 2012, Capitol Journal sec.: A2. ProQuest.
Web. 9 Sept. 2012. <>.
editorial on Prop 30 discusses the detrimental effects the proposition will
have on the state of California if it
passes this fall. This is done by having the reader look at how the state
has managed its past funds and uses that as a credit score to help determine if
it is appropriate to keep
sending billions of dollars to Sacramento. Skelton does an
effective job persuading the reader to
understand his side of the argument by stating some of the former scandals and controversies that detail how
the state does its spending. This
article was applicable to my research
because it allowed me to understand the opposing side of the issue, which gives me the opportunity
to understand the intricacies of the argument at hand.
Freeman, Bill. "Prop. 30 Invests In Education,
Economy." Editorial. San Diego Union-Tribune,
23 Sept. 2012. Web. 24 Sept.
2012. <>.
Bill Freeman’s editorial on Prop. 30, the author discusses the importance of
schooling today and how it
prepares our children for new jobs and careers and allows them to become responsible citizens. But when billions of
dollars are being cut from school systems, Freeman states that we are impairing these children’s preparation for
college and work in the 21st century.
Essentially, this article does a fantastic job persuading the reader to
understand the importance
of education and how Prop. 30 invests in our education, which directly invests
in our future as a society.
This work was applicable to my research because it gave me the opportunity to understand the
positive effects this proposition may have on our state.
Excellent job finding both sides of the argument and demonstrating your understanding of the purpose of an annotated bibliography!